Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Playing with Myself Until I Go Blind

Erotica. The gift that keeps giving. Santa knows what naughty girls like. (Thank you Oso.) Now I just need to find a way to work out all this pent up energy. (Again, thank you.)

I am still stuck at home, recovering from surgery and an infection. My instructions for today are to rest and relax. My interruption is to masturbate and sleep and then masturbate some more. I'm sure the doctor would have a different opinion. Fuck it. I'm playing with myself until I go blind.



S said...

Sounds like something we should work out. I'll scratch your itch if you scratch mine.


GPV said...

Hi miss,
keep scratching 'till it itches no mo,don't be blind,there are itchies spots to see.
Get well fast,doctors play with themselves and if it's good for them it's good for you too